Tollywood heartthrob Ram Charan is set to make his Bollywood debut in 2012. The film will be directed by Apoorva Lakotia of Shootout at Lokhandwala fame. The movie will be a bi-lingual in Telugu and Hindi languages. As per initial reports, Reliance Entertainments is producing the movie with a budget of Rs 70 crore.
The news is that the actor is going to feature in the remake of Amitabh Bachchan’s 1973 blockbuster hit Zanjeer. This movie has made Amitabh a star out of him. Ram Charan is going to play a police officer in this powerful mass entertainer. The shooting of this film will commence from April, 2012 onwards, says the buzz. Let's hope that this movie brings Charan a Super Star status in Bollywood too.
The news is that the actor is going to feature in the remake of Amitabh Bachchan’s 1973 blockbuster hit Zanjeer. This movie has made Amitabh a star out of him. Ram Charan is going to play a police officer in this powerful mass entertainer. The shooting of this film will commence from April, 2012 onwards, says the buzz. Let's hope that this movie brings Charan a Super Star status in Bollywood too.