Natasimha Balakrishna has acted as the main lead in the movie 'Adhinayakudu' and the movie has celebrated its Triple Platinum Disc Function At Taj Deccan in Hyderabad yesterday. On this occasion Balayya opened his heart and shared his views about Adhinayakudu frankly.
Balakrishna said that Adhinayakudu is made with a powerful subject in which he will seen in triple role and he stated that he is the only person who has the capability to do such powerful roles now a days in Telugu film industry. And Balayya said that he tried for a new look in Adhinayakudu, that you have to see only on the silver screen . He expressed his confidence over the movie that it will reach the expectations and it will became one of the successful movie of the year. Finally he wished greetings to the unit members.
Director Paruchuri Murali, producer M L Kumar Chowdary, Balakrishna, Suresh Babu, Y Sai babu, Brahmanandam, Koti, Bhaskara batla , Bellamkonda Suresh, Surender Reddy,Aswani Dut, B Gopal A and others were present at the function. Producer M L Kumar Chowdary thanked each and every one who are behind this film. All others participated in this event were expressed their happy over the music success and wished for the movie success and the platinum discs were presented by the Tamma Reddy Bharadwaja, Suresh babu, Ramakrishna to the unit members.