Energetic hero Ram, who is riding high with successful projects on his hand, is currently doing a film under Bommarillu Bhaskar direction. The film was recently launched and the shooting has been going on at a rapid pace in Guntur. This it is the first schedule of the movie which will continue for next 45 days.
This film is tentatively titled ‘Ongolu Gitta’ as per filmy sources. Bommarillu Bhaskar has been working hard on this film as his recent film Orange didn’t fare well. This movie will be a youthful action entertainer in which Ram essaying a completely different role from his past outings. G V Prakash kumar is the Music director. More details about the movie will be announced soon.
Meanwhile Ram’s 'Endukante Premanta' will release on June 8th. Tamanna is the female lead and Karunakaran is the director for this Romantic comedy entertainer.
Check Out Endukante Premanta Stills...