SS Rajamouli has been delivering hit after hit with his movies. All of his movies beginning with Student # 1 starring NTR Jr to the latest Maryada Ramanna starring Sunil have completed 100 days. Among his movies Simhadri and Magadheera have broken all the collection records held by other films at that time. Every film of his was pretty much the highest grossing film of the lead stars.
His latest movie Eega starring Sudeep and Samantha also completed 100 days recently. You may be wondering how a film that has not yet been released complete 100 days. The catch is that Eega completed 100 days after its audio was released. The Eega audio was released with a lot of hype back in March and yet the film has not released. Usually any big film gets released within a month of releasing the audio. One of the reasons for this is said to be the re-shooting of several scenes and re recording being done on them.
Hope Eega releases before it completes Silver Jubilee!
His latest movie Eega starring Sudeep and Samantha also completed 100 days recently. You may be wondering how a film that has not yet been released complete 100 days. The catch is that Eega completed 100 days after its audio was released. The Eega audio was released with a lot of hype back in March and yet the film has not released. Usually any big film gets released within a month of releasing the audio. One of the reasons for this is said to be the re-shooting of several scenes and re recording being done on them.
Hope Eega releases before it completes Silver Jubilee!