Latest news About Lokanayakudu Kamal Haasan's new movie 'Vishwaroopam' is that the movie is getting ready to hit the screens on July 13th. Recently the trailer and special Glance of the movie screened at the IIFA awards nite in Singapore for the first time and it has won the appreciation of all. Pooja Kumar, Rahul Bose, Andrea Jeremiah, Shekhar Kapur and Jaideep Ahlawat are playing prominent roles. Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy are composing the music for this film. The film has terrorism backdrop and Kamal plays a kathak dancer. Kamal has learnt Kathak for the film from Guruji Birjumaharaj. Major portion of Vishwaroopam was shot in the US and nearby areas. audio of the movie is expected to release soon. This film is going to release in Telugu, Tamil and Hindi simultaneously.