Nandamuri Balakrishna also called as Balayya babu by his fans, an eminent actor with his own style and his way of delivering the dialogues is a sensation in Telugu film industry(Tollywood) for many years. After the era of Late Sri Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao famous as NTR, almost balayya has got the same popularity as his father. Everyone felt balayya as down to earth actor who made a history in Telugu industry. But later on his extraordinary stunts and over dialogues in some movies made him a comedian and a new FUNNY SMS IKON. I don't want to drag the subject everyone knowwhats happening now.. Just want to give an explanation of some funny pics of balayya which are currently popular. Balayya Purudu, Baltrix Balayya, Butterman Balayya, Balayya as Bavatar, are some of the famous titles of balayya jokes.
light theesko .. these are not to insult them these are to
relax orselfs by laughing