In our Tollywood, it has been observed that fans are always ready to give their full support and encouragement to the sons of their heroes. But, they do it at the time of their Hero's Son's entry and they continue from there. But in case of Balakrishna's fans, they are doing it too early for Balakrishna's son, Mokshagna, who is just 16 years old now. They already started keeping Mokshagna's photos as their Facebook and Orkut profile display pictures and they started calling him the future number one hero of Tollywood. The highlight is that they already gave him a title as 'Yuva Nata Simham'. Still there is a long wait to see how far their expectations are met. |
Balakrishna's Son Gets The Title 'Yuva Nata Simham' Even Without Acting Once?
Posted by Admin on 05:42