Young Hero Nitin's latest movie 'Ishq' has completed its entire shooting with the last song that was shot at Kullumanali. Currently the movie unit is busy with the post production work as it is slated for release in 3rd week of February.
The film is touted to be a romantic love action entertainer. Nithya Menon is acting as the female lead in the movie. Vikram Kumar of 13B movie fame is directing the movie. Shresth Movies banner is producing the movie, while Multi Dimension Entertainments pvt limited are the presenters. Anoop Rubens composed music for this film.
Cinematography of this film is by PC Sreeram and Ramesh Samala has penned dialogues. Sindhu Tolani, Satya Krishnan,Nagineedu, Sudha, Ajay,etc are playing prominent roles in this film. Audio of the film will be released in first week of February.
The film is touted to be a romantic love action entertainer. Nithya Menon is acting as the female lead in the movie. Vikram Kumar of 13B movie fame is directing the movie. Shresth Movies banner is producing the movie, while Multi Dimension Entertainments pvt limited are the presenters. Anoop Rubens composed music for this film.
Cinematography of this film is by PC Sreeram and Ramesh Samala has penned dialogues. Sindhu Tolani, Satya Krishnan,Nagineedu, Sudha, Ajay,etc are playing prominent roles in this film. Audio of the film will be released in first week of February.