the super debacle of the film ‘Orange’ it took quite a while for Ram Charan to come out of his shell. Now, he is busy with the shooting of his film ‘Rachcha’ and he is leaving no stone unturned to ensure that this would score a big hit. And the person on the hot seat is producer R B Choudary.
It is heard that Choudary has shelled a whopping Rs 2 crores purely for an action sequence in ‘Rachcha’. This took place in China and it required loads of Bamboo sticks. The fight was choreographed by a Chinese fight master, as per sources. Buzz is that Charan did a fine job in this scene.On the other hand, unit members reveal that Choudary paid a whopping Rs 80 lakhs to the Bollywood girl Lisa Hayden for shaking her booty with Charan in an item song. Buzz is that this is a ‘clean entertainer’ so director Sampath Nandi didn’t plan any lip lock scenes
It is heard that Choudary has shelled a whopping Rs 2 crores purely for an action sequence in ‘Rachcha’. This took place in China and it required loads of Bamboo sticks. The fight was choreographed by a Chinese fight master, as per sources. Buzz is that Charan did a fine job in this scene.On the other hand, unit members reveal that Choudary paid a whopping Rs 80 lakhs to the Bollywood girl Lisa Hayden for shaking her booty with Charan in an item song. Buzz is that this is a ‘clean entertainer’ so director Sampath Nandi didn’t plan any lip lock scenes