If the buzz is to be believed, Pawan kalyan and Kajal Agrawal are going to pair up soon. This movie will be made under Puri Jagannadh’s direction. We all know that they two have decided to do a film. Pawan was impressed by Puri’s story line and the film is set to launch in second half of May.
Pawan Kalyan is currently busy with Gabbar Singh and he will complete the film by that time. Meanwhile Puri will finish off Devudu Chesina Manushulu staring Ravi teja by May first week. This movie is touted to be a powerful action entertainer and D V V Danayya is likely to produce this film. More details about the movie will be announced soon.
Pawan Kalyan is currently busy with Gabbar Singh and he will complete the film by that time. Meanwhile Puri will finish off Devudu Chesina Manushulu staring Ravi teja by May first week. This movie is touted to be a powerful action entertainer and D V V Danayya is likely to produce this film. More details about the movie will be announced soon.