Power Star Pawan Kalyan's recent movie 'Panjaa' finished its 50 days on January 27th. But the movie could not get even one single direct center. The movie got some decent collections in its first week, but due to a drastic fall in collections from second week onwards, the movie ended up being an utter flop. When Mahesh fans tried to tease Pawan fans about not getting even one direct center, they immediately burst out with anger and they are saying that even the same will happen to the so called blockbuster 'Businessman' unless the producer is ready to run the movie with deficit. As per Pawan fans, Businessman is extremely lucky to get those collection figures in the first week. The movie has no stamina to stay in theaters till its 50 days. The movie just cannot pull the audience till those many days, and even small hero Sunil will give a big shock to Mahesh when his 'Poola Rangadu' releases, as the movie will replace all 'Businessman' theaters before it completes 50 days. Although, these words from Pawan Kalyan fans came in frustration, many analysts opined that 'Businessman' may not survive for long as the collections have dropped to extremely low and the makers will have to take it out from theaters soon to stop letting the movie go into deficits. |
Panjaa Gets Zero, What About Businessman?
Posted by Admin on 05:47