Navayuva Samraat Naga Chaitanya’s latest film 'Autonagar Surya' is set to have its new schedule from today onwards in Hyderabad. The production unit is going to film some important scenes on Chaitu,Samantha and others. This schedule will continue till February 20. With this the movie will complete the talkie part.
After this schedule the unit would leave to abroad for canning couple of songs.Samantha is acting as the female lead in the movie. Achi Reddy is producing this movie on Maxs India Banner and RR movie makers presenting it. Anoop Rubens is the music director.
'Autonagar Surya' is touted to be a mass action entertainer which is being directed by Deva katta.The makers are planning to release the movie in 2012 summer.
After this schedule the unit would leave to abroad for canning couple of songs.Samantha is acting as the female lead in the movie. Achi Reddy is producing this movie on Maxs India Banner and RR movie makers presenting it. Anoop Rubens is the music director.
'Autonagar Surya' is touted to be a mass action entertainer which is being directed by Deva katta.The makers are planning to release the movie in 2012 summer.